
1. How can I place an order?
  • Visit our website and browse through our collection.
  • Select the desired item(s) and add them to your shopping cart.
  • Proceed to the checkout page, where you can enter your shipping and payment information.
  • Review your order and confirm the purchase.
2. What payment methods do you accept?
  • We accept major credit and debit cards.
  • We also offer payment options like Google Pay, Phone pay & Paytm
3. How do I know if an item is available in my size?
  • On the product page, you will find a size chart or size options to choose from.
  • If your size is available, it will be selectable in the drop-down menu.
  • In case a size is out of stock, it will be marked as "Out of stock."

Exchange Policy

1. How can I request an exchange for a product purchased from The Hippy Store?
To request an exchange, click on the "Request Exchange" button in your orders panel within 2 days of the delivery. Provide a valid reason for the exchange and include images of the product stating the reason for the exchange.
2. What are the conditions for exchanging an item?
  • A.To be eligible for an exchange, the following conditions must be met:
  • The item must be in its original packaging with product tags intact.
  • The item must be unworn, unused, unwashed, and in its original condition.
  • Include the original receipt with your exchange request.
  • The item must have been purchased originally from The Hippy Store.
  • Exchanges are only valid within 2 calendar days from the time you receive the original order.
    • Note that sizes 3XL to 5XL are not eligible for exchange.
3. Can I get a refund instead of an exchange?
A. No, refunds are not available for any reason. Only exchanges are possible, and that too for sending the return back to us.
4. Can I exchange a product for a different design or a different product altogether?
No, exchanges are only possible for the same design and the same product in a different size.
5. What happens if I fail to meet the exchange conditions?
A. If the conditions for exchange are not met, we regret to inform you that we are unable to process any claims for exchanges or refunds, even if the items have been returned to us.
6. Can I exchange or return sale items?
A. No, sales items are non-exchangeable and non-returnable in our portal.

Courier Returns

1. What are courier returns?
A. Courier returns occur when the order is undelivered and marked as Return to Origin (RTO) by the courier service.
2. What are the potential reasons for an order being marked as RTO?

A. The potential reasons for an order being marked as RTO include:
Customer unavailability

  • Incomplete address
  • Cash on Delivery (COD) amount not ready
  • Future delivery requested
  • Self-pickup requested
  • Customer refused delivery
  • Door/premises/office closed
  • Pin code not serviceable
3. What should I do if my order is marked as RTO?

A. If your order is marked as RTO, you need to take the following action:

  • Inform us within 2 days about where you would like the product to be delivered as per your availability.
  • We will reship the order to the new address provided by you.
  • If the pin code becomes unserviceable, you will need to provide an alternative address within a nearby pin code.
4. Can I get a refund for a courier return?
A. If the pin code becomes unserviceable after order placement, a refund will not be possible as the manufacturing cost is already incurred. However, you can contact us at to discuss the issue and explore possible resolutions.

Receive the Products in Damaged Condition

1. What should I do if I receive a damaged product?

 If you receive a product in a damaged condition, please follow these steps:

  • Write an email to explaining the issue.
  • Include pictures or a video of the damaged product clearly showing the defect.
  • We will authorize a replacement and have it shipped out to you within 48 hours.
2. What issues qualify for a free replacement?

A. The following issues qualify for a free replacement:

  • Misprints
  • Damaged items sent
  • Defective items sent
  • Broken products received
  • Any similar issues
  • affecting the product's quality or condition.
3. What is the timeframe for reporting a damaged product?
If you receive a product in a damaged condition contact us within 48 hours.
4. Can I get a refund for a courier return?
A. If the pin code becomes unserviceable after order placement, a refund will not be possible as the manufacturing cost is already incurred. However, you can contact us at to discuss the issue and explore possible resolutions.